Visible Impact

Every Girl

Every Woman

Every Youth

January 1970

Sammanata (Equality)

Year: 2022
Supported by: Newventure Fund (NVF)
Major Component: Advocacy, Generation Equality, GEF, SRHR, Bodily Autonomy


Project Sammanata was put into practice in several locations throughout Nepal in an effort to familiarize young people with the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) and to build momentum through conventional and digital media. These efforts largely concentrated on bodily autonomy and SRHR. This project's primary goal was to increase the visibility and comprehension of GEF and its action coalitions. 

Major activity

Sensitization on GEF – Bodily Autonomy and SRHR

Sensitization on GEF and its action coalition on bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights were carried out in 5 provinces, namely, Province 1, Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province, Lumbini Province, and Sudurpaschim Province. The facilitator's engaging techniques helped dispel myths about bodily autonomy and SRHR while also raising the youth's awareness of GEF.

Social Media Posts and Webinars 

Through our social media accounts, many infographics featuring details about the Generation Equality Forum and its 7 action coalitions were disseminated as part of this engagement. In total, 30 infographics were posted throughout the project duration. Along with this, 3 webinars were also conducted, which saw the participation of more than 150 youths from around the country. The thematic area of this webinar was bodily autonomy and SRHR.

Media Fellowship 

We recruited four media professionals for our media fellowship program after realizing the crucial role that the media plays in quickly getting news and information out to a large audience. The GEF and its seven action coalitions were briefed to our media fellows. Through this effort, a few articles emphasizing various important topics that complemented the GEF's action coalition were published.

PSAs and GEF Coalitions Meeting 

To commemorate Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2022,  three PSAs were created and shared on our social media platforms. Anushka Shrestha, CEO of Makkuse and Miss Nepal World 2019, Binay Khadka, CEO of Khalti, and Santosh Upadhayaya, Mr. Nepal 2019 and 3rd Runners Up - Mr. Supranational 2021, were all featured in videos for the PSAs that followed the style of "10 questions with celebrities." Likewise, a GEF coalition meeting was also conducted with GEF Coalition to discuss the advocacy issues in Nepal regarding GEF. 

Our Impact

Through this initiative, more than 125 youths were sensitized on GEF, Bodily Autonomy, and SRHR from 5 provinces of Nepal. The sensitization program clarified the values of the participants regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights and bodily autonomy. The reach of digital initiatives was massive, which helped us reach numerous young populations indirectly. Similarly, 8 news articles published through our fellowship helped disseminate information related to GEF and its action coalitions among wider audiences.

Quick Contact

212/48 Dhapasi Marga, Basundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal

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Visible Impact

Visim envisions creating visible impact on lives of every girl, every woman and every youth by unleashing the social and economic leadership of girls, women and youth through beneficiary-partnered innovative interventions.